Can Tent Sleeping Once In A While Be Beneficial
One of life’s simple pleasures is getting out into the woods and enjoying a good night’s sleep.
The scents and sounds take a moment or two of mental change, but if you’re comfortable, then it’s pretty refreshing.
This begs the question – is sleeping in a tent healthy?
Sleeping in a tent is very good for you.
We’re so used to polluted air that the difference with the fresh stuff is quite invigorating.
And the natural sunset and even the sounds of a night outdoors help reset circadian rhythms.
Natural sounds and scenery melt your stress, and the right gear choices can ensure complete comfort.
Those are big claims, so today, we’ll elaborate on precisely what each part of this contributes to your sleep. Is sleeping in a tent healthy? You betcha – and we’ll tell you exactly why!
You’ll notice what fresh air can do for you
When you live in a city, there are certain things that you get used to, and a big one is the air all around you.
Vehicle exhaust, combustion fumes, and a whirl of particulates from traffic and nearby construction sites are just the tip of the iceberg.
After a while, you get used to the ‘smells of the city and don’t think about it.
Short-term and long-term effects come as part and parcel of living in the city and the reduced air quality that comes with it.
Short-term effects include fatigue, an itchy throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.
Still, they can be much worse in the long run, with increased risks of various respiratory diseases, higher chances of developing certain cancers, and even heart problems and strokes—yikes!
Sleeping in the wild and getting freshly generated oxygen from all the surrounding Nature is a welcome change.
When you consider that around 20% of the oxygen you breathe is used directly by your brain, it’s no surprise that increased focus, clarity, invigoration, and a sense of well-being can come from a simple change in air quality.
Fresh air is one of those things that you forget until Nature gives you a glorious reminder of what you’ve been missing.
Circadian rhythms get a reset (and why this is important!)
For many of us, getting up in the morning is a chore. You might set 2 or even three alarms so that you can finally struggle out of bed and make a mad dash for the coffee.
It wasn’t always like that, though, was it?
One big problem in our modern day is that our Circadian rhythms can get a little out of whack, and as a result, our sleep suffers and comes with a host of problems.
One good example is when you used to have no trouble getting up at sunrise but now seem to struggle with it.
Your Circadian rhythms control your sleep cycles, based primarily on the light so that your body has a good idea of when you’re supposed to be sleeping and when you should be awake.
With our nifty artificial lights and sometimes unconventional work schedules.
Your natural rhythms can go ‘off the rails, and you’re in trouble.
With a few days of camping, these rhythms can be ‘reset,’ with your body taking in the rise and set of the sun and the sounds at night, appealing to us on an instinctual level, helping to drive this home.
If you were a morning person in a previous phase of your life, you’d likely find yourself bouncing up at 5 am and feeling fully refreshed, and this is completely NORMAL.
Getting back to nature is about more than seeing some trees and sleeping outdoors – it’s also about getting back in tune with nature’s rhythms.
Stress melts away once you let nature in
Once you relax and start soaking in the sights and sounds around you, you’ll feel lighter and more laid-back.
That’s because the Great Outdoors’ scents, sights, and sounds are not just beautifully soothing, but they hit us at an instinctual level.
When you’re living in what amounts to a purloined box in the middle of an industry-heavy and busy city.
You forget what it sounds like when those things are not around.
The silky babbling of brooks, raindrops on your tent, the smell of fresh oxygen and even the simple foliage permeate the air.
Even the insects humming at night or the sound of frogs after the rain are comforts, and when you think about it, there’s an excellent reason for this.
When you can still hear the animals and the world isn’t blaringly loud, it’s safe to sleep because no one is ‘sneaking up on you.
That’s nothing short of a sound survival instinct.
Yes, those sounds are beautiful, but back in less ‘civilized’ eras, the harmony of your surroundings was the ultimate safety feature.
It meant a safe sleep from all but the stealthiest predators and the promise of another day.
Your stress practically drops away.
Outdoor sleeping gear can make an enormous difference
No rule says you can’t camp without a few modern amenities, and inexpensive ‘tweaks’ can make a difference.
Charging pads, for instance, let you keep your phone active for a bit of music if that helps you to relax.
An inflatable mattress puts you above the ground and helps ensure a comfy rest.
Especially if you have back issues or other health concerns that make a sleeping bag more of a trial than a comfort.
Ground mats and even a thick blanket help to keep the heat in your tent by providing a barrier against the cold ground.
A UCO candle lantern can add ambiance and 1500-5000 BTUs of heat, all from the glow of 1 -3 flickering candles.
These suggestions are easy to get, portable, and can make a world of difference.
But there are undoubtedly other things that you can add to ensure that you aren’t suffering.
As a perk for the old-school campers out there, a few sleeping compromises can go a long way to luring the next generation of campers in for good.
So it’s a compromise that’s well-worth considering!
In closing
Today we’ve explored the question ‘Is sleeping in a tent healthy,’ and indeed it is!
Fresh, pollution-free air invigorates your body and mind, and you can reset your Circadian rhythms and enjoy sleep benefits that will stick around for a while.
Stress will peel off you as the natural beauty, and the soothing sounds touch us instinctually, and with the right sleeping gear, you won’t be sacrificing comfort for completeness.
What’s not to love?!
While it’s certainly different from the camping, we remember with our parents and grandparents, that’s not necessarily bad.
After all, sleeping is just your time to re-energize, and a few concessions for comfort here and there can ensure that everyone is awake and refreshed for days ahead that you’ve planned.
If that’s not enough, throw in a rule that cellphones are only for pictures or night-time in the tent, and you’ve got a compromise that everyone can work with – followed by a refreshing, healthy sleep in your tent, nestled in the heart of Nature!